Have you spotted comet 12P/Pons-Brooks yet?

Have you spotted comet 12P/Pons-Brooks yet?

Have you caught sight of a particularly dazzling comet gracing the night sky lately? If not, now's the perfect time to set up your telescope.

One comet in particular, the renowned 12P/Pons-Brooks, is currently putting on a show from March through April. Its brilliance is such that it can even be seen without the aid of a telescope.

Of course, factors like weather conditions and the glow of the sunset can affect its visibility, but it's an opportunity worth seizing. Especially considering it'll be another 71 years before this celestial phenomenon returns.

Explore the perfect telescope for observing 12P/Pons-Brooks and other celestial wonders at Teleskooppi.fi.


Photo: Michael Jaeger

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